Fitness SEO Website Guide

This is the ULTIMATE fitness SEO guide for 2023.

In this guide, you’ll learn different step-by-step ways to

  • Find fitness keywords for sale
  • Build your content up for Google
  • Promote your business content
  • And much more.

So let’s go.

What is SEO in Fitness?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. 

You improve your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). 

This is important for fitness businesses because it can help them to attract more customers.

Fitness businesses can improve with SEO through the content on the website, the number of backlinks, and the website’s overall style

google indexing information

Here are a couple of tried-and-proven SEO fitness business strategies to help you scale business growth:

Find Fitness Keywords That People Search Online

Start looking up the money words by doing legitimate research

This is one of the most crucial parts that involves applying strategist ideas and matching fit life-based answers with words.

Google is crawling many pages, trying to match long and short-tail words. 

Search intent is the reason behind a question, a request, a demand, a quiz, and so on. 

Hunting down words associated with fitness and health is critical to ranking in Google.

There are four main types of search intent:

  • Informational
  • Navigational
  • Transactional
  • Commercial

First, There are Informational Keywords.

People are looking for information on a specific topic.

This is the early stage of the buying cycle of potential customers and clients just doing health research or looking up information about your fitness service.

For example, if someone searches for “how to make protein pancakes,” they are looking for instructions on how to make protein pancakes.

google search how to make protein pancakes

You will see a list of recipes after “Googling: how to make protein pancakes.”

results from protein pancakes recipes

Next Are Navigational Keywords.

Typically, navigational keywords are very straightforward because they include the website’s brand, product, or service names.

Think of someone who searches for “Bodybuilding.”

google search bodybuilding

There’s a 99% chance you will see at the top.

search results from bodybuilding

We have Transactional Keywords.

When someone uses a transactional keyword, they’re ready to make a purchase and what they are interested in.

That audience is more believable in clicking on a website that shows up on Google.

Start thinking of a user looking to “Buy a yoga mat.”

Trying to decide the difference “Price of weight lifting gloves,”

And it’s finally time they decide to”Sign up for a gym membership.”

screenshot of google search results from gym membership

Finally, There Are Commercial Keywords.

Commercial keywords are when the users research options and decide before buying.

People want to learn more about a product or service before purchasing.

Users are going to need a fitness tracker for their routines.

So they will Google search “best fitness tracker for gym workouts.”

screenshot google search results best fitness tracker for gym workouts

People use search engines to help make the best determination that works for them.

men's health fitness smartwatch header

Men’s Health shares its voice with users about the best fitness trackers before spending money.

To figure out the search intent of a phrase, you can use these steps:

Look at the search results Page

What kind of content is ranking for phrases that are making money?

screenshot google search gym equipment

This can give you an idea of what people are looking for when they look for that keyword. 

Use Keyword Research Tools To Help

Keyword research tools are fantastic tools to help find the intent behind phrases.

semrush and ahrefs

Some research tools include Google Keyword Planner, Ahref & SEMrush.

Try Using your Best judgment.

Ultimately, it comes down to a strategist’s sales ideas to find keyword search intent associated with the business.

Ask yourself what you would Google with keywords and phrases that make sense to your business.

different type of keyword intent

Once you know the meaning behind the keyword used to search Google, you’ll have structure for your ideas, sharing information related and helpful to the people searching. 

Truthfully, LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords are a fancy-ass way of saying words related to the main keyword.

lsi keyword example on website

They can help improve your web page’s position on Google by improving your content.

You can find related keywords in various areas like Google Images.

Enter a keyword you want to rank for.

screenshot search bar fitness equipment image filter

Look at the recommended tabs from Google.

screenshot filter search results of fitness equipment

Use them throughout your pages. 

You can use the topic terms in your headers, body text, and images.

related keywords from yoast

In addition, anyone with WordPress can use free tools like Yoast SEO, All-in-One, or RankMath to help you perk up your website keywords rankings.

Optimize Your Gym and Fitness Website for UX

Gym and fitness upgrades improve the look and ranking of a gym or fitness website. 

Website improvements drive traffic to your fitness website to flip leads to paying clients. 

Think of Title Tags To Help You Stand Out

Use hyper-detailed title tags with gym locations and related health and fitness jargon. 

search results of personal trainers in las vegas

Additionally, make sure your title clearly and concisely shows what the page content is talking about.

Again, we’re trying to produce the proper title tags that help generate traffic to your website.

You can see if your title stands out using CoSchedule’s free headline analyzer tool.

Pop your headline into the tool…

coschedule headline analyzer

…they hook you up with a score and a list of detailed suggestions.

Adjust Your Title and Description to Hook Hook Google Visitors Instantly.

For user experience, the title tag is the first thing people see when your web page shows on the SERPs. 

Making your title tag clear, straightforward, and relevant to what people are looking for can increase the click-through rate of your money.

Check out the free headline generator by SEMrush.

title generator by semrush

Type your keyword idea into the box and wait for the results…

… you’re good to go.

Use Unique Keyword Descriptions.

Draw your audience in the descriptions area on Google with a little call to action.

Despite if you believe an engineer hired by the tech company owned by Alphabet or your own eyes.

meta description quote by john mu

Be risky.

Add the numero uno target keywords to your meta description.

We’re looking to help your chances of ranking higher in the SERPs.

Regarding your customers, meta descriptions are the last piece of the puzzle to decide whether they’ll make the click.

Or Use Different variations of keywords.

If you can pitch them using the keywords differently, go for it.

meta description of women's workout plan

Avoid stuffing your meta description with keywords everywhere and not making logical sense.

The goal is simple. Cause a reaction.

Keep it short and Sweet.

The meta description area can hold up to 156 characters, so get your message straight to the point.

meta description of bodybuilding

Get to the point quickly with your meta description being easy to understand, attracting your audience.

Put Your Main Keyword In Your URL

The keyword in your address is a must that Google uses to figure out the ranking of your web page. 

Despite being a small or sizeable ranking detail…

…To quote a popular phrase in the case of Google: “A deal’s a deal.”

Use up to two to three words in the address of your webpage.

This is a nice lift that favors your odds of ranking higher.

URL example

It’s also among the first things users see on the results page.

Internal and external links should be used strategically to improve your website’s SEO.

Use internal links to promote your most important pages.

The more internal links, the better Google understands the structure of your website.

internal link example

Avoid linking to websites that have a poor reputation. This could damage your website’s reputation.

Create Proper Content

Creating free, valuable, engaging health and fitness content that answers customers’ questions marks you as a solid authority.

Creating helpful material using proper fitness keywords for SEO will help you rank on the first pages of Google. 

Buzzsumo is an excellent tool for creating material for your audience. 

buzzsumo topic search example

It can help you discover what topics are popular and what ideas perform well.

In the search bar, type in a keyword or phrase related to the topic you want to write about.

buzzsumo keyword research bar

Buzzsumo will show you a list of the most shared content on the web related to your keyword or phrase.

buzzsumo keyword results

Don’t let the simplicity fool you. This is an effective feature.

Write High-quality, Helpful Content.

Your content needs to be highly informative about fitness topics.

This means you should answer your prospective clients’ specific questions.

Gym Owners Must Create Google Profiles For Their Fitness Business

If you still need a Google My Business Profile, please create one today. 

google my business homepage

It’s free, easy to use, and can make a big difference for your gyms and fitness centers.

Keep The Profile 1000% Consistently Sharp.

Google My Business is essential for businesses of all sizes. 

That’s because Google My Business is one of the most effective ways to get in front of someone.

Fill In As Much As You Can.

Google gives you a scorecard on how much you complete your profile.

gmb profile completion

Aim as high as possible by filling out the information about your business. 

Here are some tips for creating a successful Google Business Profile:

Use your business name and address.

This is the most critical information you must include in your profile. 

nap example for gmb

Use the same name and address on your website, documents, and other citations. 

Then, when Google notices your info is consistent on your website and 3rd party sites like Yelp, they recognize your business is legit and matches.

Add photos and videos. 

Photos and videos are fantastic ways to show off your fitness centers and attract customers. 

Your pictures will make people want to learn more about your business.

google image of esporta fitness

Make your photos relevant to your business and use a different image repeatedly. 

Examples include your products or services, your team, and your location.

So, if you have a juice bar, you’ll want to use pictures of the juice bar, not random photos of people drinking shakes.

cafe in gym from google

If you have multiple locations, try using the same style of pictures for all your places.

This will help to create a cohesive brand identity.

Include relevant keywords in the Image File

Another thing to do is save your image.

Rename your image files and use variations of the primary keyword. 

This will help your photos appear in the SERPs when people look for gyms or fitness centers like yours.

Write a clear and snappy Map description. 

Your description should tell potential customers what your business does and why they should choose you. 

google map description

Be sure to include keywords that people will likely use when searching for businesses like yours.

Add your business hours.

This is essential information for potential customers trying to decide if you’re open when they want to visit. 

Double-check that your opening hours, holidays, and other critical business info are up-to-date. 

gmb example of local gym information

Imagine if you have to close the gym for repairs. 

One of your customers may feel obliged to write a review on how they should have been notified. 

gym reviews on google

When opening hours change, you want to make it a habit; change it inside Google My Business. 

Respond to reviews. 

Reviews are a great way to show potential customers what others think of your business. 

Moz did a local ranking study and found that “Review Signals” played an important role. 

moz test on local business reviews

Mainly, they said negative reviews on your GMB profile could hurt.

Try to aim for more positive reviews rather than negative ones.

A review entitles consumers to express their trust in a business, and trust is a foundational factor for local ranking in Google’s eyes.

Gyms and fitness centers can encourage customers to leave reviews on their profiles.

Once businesses have received Google My Business reviews, they should respond to them. 

google response on gmb review

This shows potential customers that gyms and fitness centers care about their feedback and are willing to take action to improve their services and classes.

When responding, businesses should be polite and professional. 

They should also address any concerns that customers have. 

For example, if a customer has left a negative review, try to understand the customer’s concerns and take steps to address them.

gmb owner response on reviews

To respond to positive and negative reviews professionally and on time.

Build Local Citations the Right Way

Local citations are essential for local SEO because they help legitimize your business and existence. 

citations with nap

Include all your relevant business information, such as your name, address, phone number (NAP), and website.

Use Citation Management for any NAP improvements.

Citation management ensures your business is listed accurately and consistently on online directories and other websites.

BrightLocal’s citation management service can help you to improve your local SEO and attract more customers.

BrightLocal will then scan the web for directories you still need to correct. 

brightlocal citations list

It can also provide you with a list of directories that you can choose to get listed on.

Local citations are super relevant citations that can give your Map Pack rankings a real boost. 

moz local citation example

But you pay attention to local backlinks.

Local backlinks help to build relevance for a site towards its specific location. 

It is one of the best tactics for your site to rank higher in maps and organically. 

Using the Backlink Gap feature in Semrush helps with these strategies.

semrush backlink gap

As the name implies, this feature is designed for link building. 

semrush fitness backlink gap

First, take a set of 2-3 competitors and put them into the tool with your website on top:

semrush backlink gap comparison

Then, you’ll get a report that lists all the sites linked to the competitors used above. 

Promote your profile for building Authority. 

Share your profile on social media, in your email newsletters, and on your website.

riddles from john mu

The more people who know about your profile, the more likely you will attract new customers.

A local link should link to your site and allow you to communicate with your local audience.

search result directories
Search Engine Results Page

Other than the people who already know you can ask for a link, there are several ways to build local backlinks.

Reach out to local PRs and journalists. 

Local papers and news need to eat also. 

Why not give them something interesting like anniversaries or grand reopenings? 

Contact local bloggers and journalists to see if they would like to write about your business. 

When they write about your business, be sure to include a link back to your website.

Participate in local events. 

Most local events always look for sponsors. 

And if you can sponsor a local event, you’ll find yourself with a nice link on the event’s site. 

When you network with other businesses, exchange contact information and include a link to your website on your business card.

Partner with other local businesses. 

New companies pop up all the time in local neighborhoods. 

Think of the benefits of receiving recognition from well-established businesses in the area

Partnering with other companies is a great way to get your business’s exposure and build backlinks.

Promote Your Content The Right Way.

Promoting your topic is an essential part of any content marketing strategy.

When you promote your content effectively, you must clearly understand the audience and goals.

Run social media contests and giveaways. 

Running social media contests is a great way to get exposure for your business and build backlinks. 

Run a giveaway and include a link to your website on the rules and entry page.

Make sure to use relevant hashtags so that people can find your content when they are looking through health and fitness topics.

Share content with email marketing.

When you send out an email, include a link to your content. 

You should also include a brief description of your content and a call to action. 

The call to action could be to read your content, subscribe to your blog, or follow you on social media.

Mailchimp is a super dope email marketing service I use to create and send newsletters.

If you use WordPress, installing the Mailchimp plugin for WordPress is easy to connect.

  1. Go to your WordPress dashboard and click on “Plugins.”

2. Click on “Add New.”

3. Type “Mailchimp for WordPress” in the search bar and click “Install Now.”

4. Once the plugin is installed, click on “Activate.”

5. Go to “Mailchimp” in your WordPress dashboard.

6. Add your API key and click on “Save Changes.”

Using Videos as Content for SEO is a big deal.

The goal of using fitness videos for SEO is to boost rankings in the SERPs so that more people can find them. 

When done correctly, SEO fitness videos can help you attract more traffic, create leads, and increase sales.

Choose the right keywords. 

When you’re creating a video, it’s vital to choose the right keywords. 

These are the words or phrases that people are likely to use when they’re searching for health and fitness videos on Google and YouTube. 

You can use a keyword research tool like VidIQ to help you find the right keywords for your video.

Head over to the site and sign up.

Click on “Keywords” in the top nav menu.

Enter your keyword in the search box…

Bam! You are good to go with a list of keyword ideas. 

And helpful info to help you uncover low-competition, high-volume terms.

Make adjustments to your video title and description.

Your video title and description are necessary factors that must be both informative and engaging.

The main goal is to have a high click-through rate (CTR).

When people search for videos on YouTube, they use keywords. 

Therefore, include relevant keywords in your title tag so your video will appear in search results.

YouTube descriptions are important because they provide additional details about your video not included in the title or thumbnail. 

They can also help you to rank higher in search results.

Video Tags are another vital factor in video SEO. 

When you add tags to your video, you are telling YouTube what your video is about. 

Use relevant and popular tags that people are likely to search for.

Advanced SEO Tips for Fitness Marketing

This last chapter lists some of my favorite SEO techniques.

Once you set up all of the basics for your strategy, it’s off to the races using these advanced SEO tips for boosting.

Add Maps to Your Gym Website.

Adding a map to your website to show your gym’s location is highly recommended and free.

  1. Go to Google Maps.

2. In the search bar, type in the address or name of the location you want to add to your website.

3. Click on “Share” and select “Embed map.”

4. Copy the HTML code.

5. Paste the code into the HTML editor of your website.

6. Save your changes and preview your website.

The map should be easy to access and stand out from the main section. 

You can add clear instructions and directions on your site. 

Build Multiple Landing Pages With Locations and Services.

Building separate location pages is recommended if you have several near or far-apart fitness centers for your gym. 

Be sure your local-focused area keyword appears in a headline at the top of your landing page.

This strategy works so well that it has become one of my go-to link-building strategies.

Creating separate pages lets you quickly have more relevant pages for all related fitness searches.

If you have a gym that offers different activities like weightlifting, yoga, aerobics, or any other, it might be essential to create pages for each of these services. 

Now, you have a combination of related keywords and multiple locations on Google.

This allows you to dominate Google more.

Be sure your Fitness Pages and Sites Look Good on Mobile.

Over 50% of all internet traffic comes from mobile devices. 

If your fitness website or app is not optimized for mobile, you miss out on many potential audiences.

Use large fonts. 

Do users have to pinch or squint to read your website information?

Then, they will hit their “back” button faster than Usain Bolt.

The text should be easily read on a cell screen. 

Therefore, use large, bold fonts and avoid using too much text.

People are more likely to read your content if it is easy on the eyes. 

Therefore, use a font that is at least 16px in size and has a simple, legible style.

So There You Have It on Fitness SEO!

I hope you got a lot of value from my fitness SEO tutorial.

Instead of explaining everything I missed, I want to open this up to you.

What’s your plan of attack from this guide you want to try first?