Building a Successful Facebook Ad Funnel in Convincing Fashion


To take your ClickFunnels business to the next level, you must learn how to create successful Facebook ads.

This blog post will show you how to create Facebook ads that convert for ClickFunnels.

We’ll cover everything from choosing the proper targeting to writing compelling ad copy.

But First, What is a Facebook Ad Funnel?

Facebook ad funnels are strategic frameworks guiding users from attention to purchase using marketing strategies through targeted content and ads.

They break down the buyer’s journey into three principal stages: being aware, consideration, and conversion.


Businesses can use Facebook to attract, nurture, and convert leads at each stage.

For example, a clothing store might use Facebook ads to promote its latest collection to a broad audience (awareness).


Offer a free shipping promotion to people who have visited its website but haven’t made a purchase (interest and consideration).


Then, run ads that promote specific products or bundles to people who have opted into its email list (conversion).


Businesses can increase their chances of converting strangers into customers by strategically targeting people at each stage of the funnel.

Why Facebook Ads Are So Effective for ClickFunnels

Facebook ads are effective for ClickFunnels because they let you laser-target your ideal customers and send them to a landing page designed to convert.

You can use ClickFunnels to show the right ad to the right person at the right time and then lead them straight to your sales page.

It’s like a one-two punch that can generate leads and sales like crazy.

How To Create A Funnel For Facebook Ads

The focus will be on reaching new people who’ve never heard of your business before — “cold traffic” — and turning those people into leads.

This means getting their email address.

You can create a free lead magnet appealing to your target market and use saved and lookalike audiences to drive those people to your landing page.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to build a Facebook ad funnel that converts.

Top of Funnel Campaign

Start with a top-of-funnel campaign to introduce people to your brand.

Hook people in a high-level way.

Show people what you’re selling and why they should care.

Use eye-catching visuals and compelling headlines to get their attention.

The Awareness Stage

The awareness stage is about getting your brand in front of as many right people (i.e., your target market) as possible.

You want to create ads that generate interest and get people talking about your product or service.

To do this, you’ll want to run highly visual ads that generate excitement about your offer.

Think about the type of ad that would stop you in your tracks while scrolling through Facebook.

This is the ad you want to create for the awareness stage.


The Interest Stage

Now that you’ve stirred people’s interest, it’s time to build curiosity in your product or service.

At this stage, you want to create ads that educate your target market about what you offer and how it can benefit them.

Your ads should be informative and highlight your product or service’s key features and benefits.

Driving Traffic


Drive traffic to a landing page where you can capture leads.

Ensure your landing page is clear, concise, and easy to use.

Include a solid call to action, like signing up for a free trial or getting a discount.

Use Retargeting Ads

Retarget people who have visited your landing page.


Remind them of your brand.

Once someone visits your landing page, you can follow them around Facebook with ads that help keep your brand fresh in their minds and encourage them to take action.

Offer them more information.

Middle of Funnel Campaign

Create a middle-of-funnel campaign to educate leads about your products.

Target people who have visited your landing page or interacted with your brand.

Use more targeted messaging to address their specific needs and interests.

Show them how your products or services can solve their problems.

You can also offer lead magnets, like ebooks, webinars, or checklists, to encourage them to give you their contact info.


The Consideration Stage

Once people know about your product or service and understand how it can benefit them, it’s time to start getting them to consider purchasing.

You want to create an ad that drives traffic to your primary front-end offer.

Your ads (and landing page) should discuss why your product or service is their best option — far better than the competition.

It should also provide plenty of social proof.

Additionally, it would help if you only showed these advertisements to people who expressed explicit interest in your products or services.

This will help you to build trust and rapport with potential customers.

The Purchasing Stage

The purchase stage is when people are finally ready to buy your product or service.

At this stage, you want to create ads that drive traffic to your checkout page or wherever people can purchase.

Your ads should include a solid call to action and clearly state the benefits of purchasing.

It would help if you also retargeted people who have already shown interest in your product or service but haven’t purchased it yet.

Bottom of Funnel Campaign

Push leads to buy with bottom-of-funnel.


Target people who are already interested in your offer and ready to buy.

Use persuasive messaging and targeted offers to close the deal.

The Loyalty Stage

Once someone has made a purchase, your job isn’t done.

You must still nurture your relationship and turn them into loyal customers.

You want to create ads promoting customer loyalty and repeat purchases at this stage.

This can be done by offering discounts for repeat customers running ads that upsell, referral, or cross-sell.

What are Cross-Selling Ads?

Cross-selling ads are designed to get your customers to buy other products that complement the product they’ve already purchased from you.

For example, you sell skincare products, and someone just bought your face wash.

A cross-selling ad might be for your toner, serum, moisturizer, etc. — anything else someone would need to complete their skincare routine.

As you can see, each stage of the Facebook ad funnel requires a different type of ad.

Now that we’ve gone over the funnel stages let’s take a closer look at how to build one for your business.

Final Words on Clickfunnels Facebook Ads

ClickFunnels is the secret sauce for crushing it with Facebook ads.

It makes it a breeze to create landing pages, email sequences, and other marketing assets that work like magic with your ads.

You can focus on creating conversion campaigns without worrying about the technical stuff.

Have you tried using Facebook ads to drive traffic to your funnel? What have been your experiences so far?

Let me know in the below.